i unloaded this new body of work out of the kiln YESTERDAY, and am shipping them off TODAY. they are going to a show at santa fe clay called "in my own words". i feel sad that i didn't get to bond or live with these pieces for long. i can only begin to imagine what it must feel like to give your child up for adoption. after creating and laboring over and worrying about and going through so many stages with something for so long..............and then to immediately give it up. how unbearably painful. but one of the greatest lessons we as potters learn, is the art of letting go. for there is so much loss that we have to face and deal with almost every day. ............just let it fly away.
did i mention that one of these big vessels cracked while drying..... and that i knocked a wing off another one while unloading it from the kiln ? at least i had three strong survivors. on the flip side, we are rewarded greatly with those that choose to survive. and THIS is what makes it all worth it.
I really love this new work! I just made a small vessel with wings and had a breakage problem too. I guess that is what makes ceramic art so different, your best work can be changed (for better or worse)or broken during the process, but it keeps us going.
i like your own words. is that "gloaming" that i see, miss word-of-the-day?
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