Sunday, March 1, 2009

coffee break.

four years ago, i gave up my severe addiction to coffee. it was just making me nervous and sweaty anyway, not a good combination.  plus it never really did taste as good as it smelled. but the other day i was at farley's and the penetrating aroma of coffee so entranced me, that i ordered a latte. i thought i was in heaven.  it was the creamiest, smoothest, and most satisfying liquid i could have ever imagined, and it even tasted as good as it smelled, maybe even better. though i'm still not converting back, i think i may indulge every now and again. because still for me, tea is the new coffee.


Mel said...

I'm with you! I love coffee but it makes my heart race... Once in a while will be fine, but tea is the new coffee (for me as well ;).

-Rob, Simple Circle Studios said...

I must say, I am a coffee junkie. I usually don't have more than a couple cups a day, though. Too much makes me jittery. I like tea too, but it is so much more expensive than coffee, especially if you get the good stuff. I wonder how it would grow around these parts? Hmmmm...

JosieJurczenia said...

I'll drink to that.

Whitney Smith said...

I like to be sweaty and nervous. Come back to the dark side! I have a nice french press waiting for you!

Michele D. said...

I'm a Venti Soy Chai Latte drinker. Iced in the summertime.

Coffee always smelled better than it tasted, to me.

michele d.

jen jeglinski said...

I like that, tea is the new coffee. I made the switch a while ago and don't miss the jittery and sweaty reaction from coffee. Relieved to hear that others have that same feeling. But that said, an occasional cappuccino is hard to resist especially with a pretty feather decorating the foam.